Sunday, July 24, 2011

Upcoming Changes in Education – Cartoons May Be Effective

As my research and writing continues on my paper, I have come to a better understanding how our current educational system is influenced by political and social forces that promote heteronormativity –the suite of practices that maintain normative assumptions of heterosexuality. Reading through articles written about the difficulties experienced by those educators who wish to diversify the dialogue of sexuality and expose students to concepts that support a wide variety of sexual identities, I am somewhat saddened by the apparent closed-mindedness of those who oppose the incorporation of LGBTQ issues into the classroom.  It’s not that I don’t understand the concerns expressed – such as the need to protect our children – but I have come to a belief that many of our “educators” are the ones in need of education.  My research has not identified any credible study which establishes a relationship between the teaching of queer theory and a modification of sexual identity.  To the contrary, my research has revealed that teaching queer theory at appropriate ages actually promotes a better understanding of human sexuality and a greater appreciation of all expressions of gender. I invite others to comment as to their views on this topic.

On a related note, I was glad to hear that Governor Brown signed a bill that requires public schools in California to include the contributions of people who are LGBTQ in social studies curriculum.  For my next post, I will review this legislation and report how schools intend to implement the new law to add lessons about the LGBTQ community into their class assignments and at what educational level.  I will also report on the reasons provided by those who voted against the bill, which went along party lines. In the meantime, take a look at this link to an Associated Press article dated July 14, 2011 that discusses the bill – known at Senate Bill (SB) 48:

I am now more encouraged than ever that there could be a real interest in using cartoons as a vehicle for teaching queer theory in schools, especially in California where the new law requires the incorporation of LGBTQ issues into the classroom.  Comments on this aspect of my paper or this legislation are welcome.

Here is something silly, just for fun ...



  1. Ryan,
    I love the idea of teaching kids tolerance through cartoons. I wonder if it has been used before? What does the bill propose educators do to teach queer theory in schools? It seems like a great bill but so often legislation isn't explicitly crafted and schools can often find loopholes around it. So what exactly does this bill propose? It almost seems as if it might need an addendum or two to specifically state how to incorporate queer theory in schools.

  2. I remember elementary schools being really strict about what's shown in class.. in terms of violence, sexuality, etc. Is the new LGBTQ legislation also taking what is deemed acceptable in the classroom into consideration?
